
Ask and you shall receive

Have you ever been at the top of a mountain and in the valley at the same time? When I became a Christian at 21 years old, I was on Cloud 9 AND sad at the same time. How is that possible, you wonder? For one, neither of my parents came to see me get […]

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Six Two

I recently experienced several God moments and had to share. I know, I know — they happen every day, right? However, sometimes they smack you in the gut, squeeze your heart until tears flood down your face. This was my first one. I’ll share some more soon. I was recently blessed to meet several people […]

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I recently mentioned that I was reading a novel called, “Local Woman Missing.” If you’re planning on reading it, then don’t read this post because it will spoil it for you! This isn’t a book review; however, I can’t pass up sharing something that was revealed to me! I told you before that this young […]

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Curiosity and obedience

My dreams came true last week. I started watching my “almost” 9 month old grandson. His big sister is in school, so it’s just the two of us during the day. Oh! And my fur baby, a Goldendoodle, Bogey. Let’s just say — he’s not used to being around a little one, so it has […]

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How to win the battle

War. Most people would probably say it only takes place in a distant land. Although we have heard stories from soldiers who served our country and put their life on the line, we still can’t relate or even imagine what they go through until we experience it. Thank you, brave souls, for your willingness to […]

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How’s your heart?

I had to see a cardiologist last week. What prompted this appointment was high blood pressure and the results from an EKG. A PA put me on a new Rx a few weeks ago that seemed to take care of my bp, however, my EKG indicated I needed further testing. I had a stress test, […]

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If you’ve never had the opportunity to teach a Sunday School class, you are truly missing out. I recently filled in for a teacher, and although our class was small — it was pure JoY spending time with young, honest, inquisitive 1st and 2nd grade minds. Did I mention honest? The topic we began with […]

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Do you see the good in life?

I know most of you don’t know me, and If I had to describe myself, I guess the positive side is that I normally try to find the good in life situations and in people. I really don’t think it’s that difficult, although there’s been a few situations when I struggled to see the purpose, […]

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Parenting Adult Children

Parenting 103.33321111 (The course that never ends!) There are certain things they prepare you for when you learn that you’re going to be a parent. Things like childbirth, or what to do when your baby has a fever and/or diaper rash. Unfortunately, there’s many other things you don’t hear about until you experience them. Back […]

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God’s Perfect Timing

If you’ve recently experienced a loss of any kind – something that creates a panicky feeling and makes you realize you are not in control –this post is for you. Before I begin, I need to explain that I believe God sometimes uses the tiniest details and victories to capture our attention. Because of that, […]

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