
When we mess up…

I’ve been reminiscing quite a bit lately. It’s amazing how God can use your life experiences to teach you a lesson for today. When I was in high school, more precisely — my senior year, several of my best girlfriends asked me to go with them to Florida on spring break. Of course I said […]

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My Motivation

If you read my last post, My Prayer, then you will understand the importance of the following quote… “The way we love difficult people lets everybody know the baby in the manger isn’t just a decoration in our lives.” ~Bob Goff If you are struggling with what I shared in my previous post, I hope […]

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My prayer

Lord, How do you forgive someone who intentionally hurts you? How did you? The longer I live, the more I understand how amazing you are. People are so incredibly selfish. How do you still love them? Please, Lord, give me insight and the strength to love those who simply don’t care who they hurt.

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Let love win

I always say I’m not going to do this, but here I am again- talking about the day my mom died from cancer. I received the call the day before Halloween. A call I’ll never forget. I guess writing this out here is my therapy. It’s been years. We weren’t close, yet we were. I […]

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I always love it when I see that first leaf that reveals summer is coming to an end. Most of the leaves are still green, and then before you know it most of them have changed. There’s nothing like stumbling upon a rainbow of colors scattered around a tree. For me, this season is magical […]

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Create in me a clean heart

Part of my family lives in Minnesota, so you can understand why what happened there recently really hit home. {For those of you who aren’t familiar with what’s going on in the states, here it is… George Floyd was a 46-year old black man suspected of using a counterfeit $20 bill. He died after a […]

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It amazes me how we all view forgiveness differently. One may think that some don’t deserve it. However, when you’ve been on the receiving end — your view can change as you experience the force behind it. I’ve made a lot of mistakes in my life. Some I can view as normal teen error in […]

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What’s holding you back?

You guys. If you read my previous thoughts about going to the Dominican, I hope you will read this one! I’m back home now, and oh my….. I’m so thankful I didn’t let fear stop me from going on this mission trip. Every single bad thing I thought might happen….didn’t. What I thought would be […]

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Who are you cheering for?

I love basketball. Most of my friends could tell you that I do and that IU has always been my favorite. Why IU? Most likely because my dad was a huge fan. I remember him sitting in his chair that was near the  TV – watching and analyzing the game. He was a devoted fan – even when […]

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What Happens When You Believe the Lie

One of my favorite memories from when I taught preschool. Two years ago…. Last week, we were talking to our three-year old students at preschool about Adam and Eve. We discussed the fact that God had a rule that Adam and Eve couldn’t eat fruit from the tree of knowledge. Next, we talked about different […]

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