The Truth Will Set You Free

Since I’m digging deep back in my earlier days, I hope more of you younger people will be able to relate.

I will never forget when I made cheerleader my sophomore year in high school. I didn’t make it my freshman year, and I was pretty humbled. That heartache turned out to be a good thing!

I finally found my tribe. Not that I didn’t like other people in my class, but I finally found those people where I could be myself. Know what I mean?

I’ll be honest, I wasn’t a fabulous cheerleader, however, I loved it. I loved the girls on my squad, and I loved working hard for competitions and cheering for the different teams. I have to mention that we won the State Fair Cheerleading Contest one year. I think we were all surprised. It was one of my best memories, ever.

Here’s the thing, being a part of a cheer squad meant so much to me, but it didn’t last forever. High school ended, and things changed.

I felt a little lost until I finally discovered that being a child of God is EVERYTHING. That is the best part of life. No, that IS life.

That’s where our worth comes from. 

If you haven’t discovered where your true worth comes from,  please, please know that it doesn’t come from your parents, your spouse, your kids, or your achievements.

It’s all about your relationship with Jesus.

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