Ask and you shall receive

Have you ever been at the top of a mountain and in the valley at the same time?

When I became a Christian at 21 years old, I was on Cloud 9 AND sad at the same time. How is that possible, you wonder? For one, neither of my parents came to see me get baptized. Did it hurt? You know it. It was the biggest day of my life, and neither one felt comfortable coming. But like other heartaches, you learn to move on.

Second reason, the fact that I had waited so long to make that decision came as a disappointment to myself. When I finally got to experience the amazing strength God gives when I face a loss, temptation, or trial — the realization that my life would’ve been so much better in my younger years stung a little. Maybe a lot. I wouldn’t be living with so many regrets while getting to experience hope for a better tomorrow.

No doubt, where we are brought up (country) and by whom makes a difference. If parents don’t see the need to teach their children about God, the Bible, or what it means to have a relationship with Jesus — then who knows what path they will take or where they’ll end up for eternity.

I get it that it’s important for kids to know the alphabet, how to spell, count, share, have friends, be involved in something ‘good’; however, teaching them about the love of Jesus prepares them for every little and big thing they’ll face in life. Ultimately, it’s up to them if they’ll believe, just like it’s their decision if they end up having the same political views that you do. The difference being, when you make that choice that you’re not going to be a follower — you’re making the choice to live without Jesus.

If you aren’t a believer, I know it would be hard to know where to start if you decided to expose your children to faith. Let me ask, what did you do when it was time to start potty training your child? Most likely you asked others who have recently taught their child — wanting to know what worked and what didn’t. Or, maybe you asked someone older. The same is true if you need to know how to teach your child about God. Read your Bible, ask someone you can trust who has been through it. Reach out to a church. If you aren’t able to get to a church or read a Bible, then pray. Ask our Creator for guidance.

Sounds too far-fetched?

Lets look at Paul – formally known as Saul. He was on his was to Damascus when a light from heaven caught his attention. He heard a voice say, “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?”

“Who are you, Lord?” Saul asked. “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting,he replied. Now get up and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do.” Acts 9:3-6

Friend, if the Lord could talk to someone back then — a man who wasn’t a follower, He can do it today. You just need to ask God the questions and be willing to listen.

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