Sometimes Actions Speak Louder Than Words

You know when a child asks you a question about something and you should KNOW the answer – because – you’re the adult? And then you’re caught off guard  — finding yourself saying something  like, “I don’t know. Ask your dad, your grandpa, or Google?”

And then, there’s those times when you’re in a bible study when a new Christian throws out a question that totally blindsides you and you have to admit you don’t have a clue how to respond. On top of that, you think, “Why haven’t ‘I’ thought of that question before?

We’ve all been there. Sometimes it can certainly make you feel inadequate, stupid, or like you’re not good enough. Honestly, I think those times happen to motivate us to dig deeper to find the answers – not just pass the buck.

And then there are those special ones that we simply won’t know how to explain….

Like the time a young girl asked me, “Why did God let Jesus come back to life, but not my grandpa?” Sure, I know Jesus had a purpose, but for a little girl who doesn’t have that relationship with HIM yet, how do you explain? Talk about being humbled and struggling for the right words.

But God, in his unique way, fulfills his promises and provides — maybe through actions rather than words.

I was moved to hug her, and for that day — that’s all that was needed.

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